Vineyard cabanons

The cabanon and the surrounding plot are private property. No trespassing !
This small cabanon has long been refurbished as a place for leisure (and siesta). It used to stand in a vineyard, it is now on the fringe of the village. Lastly, it became the odd one out in a new residential development. It would have been knocked down, but the official organisation plan (PLU) registered it as a remarkable piece of landscape, which saved it from destruction.
Cabanons are private property, but they are also a shared heritage for inhabitants as well as for visitors. They are witnesses of a way of life and work, the common memory of the Saillansons.
Please give us your opinion by mail at : lobservatoiredescabanons@gmail.com
Visit the website https://mairiedesaillans26.fr/tourisme-et-hebergement/le-gr9/
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